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Halfway Run 2017

Updated: Aug 31, 2018

Friday saw Barbara and I head off for Albury, when we arrived most people where already there, after Barbara and I settled in I was talking to Gordon and Cilla and found that they had problems on the way, which required the R.A.C.V. As they were waiting Dennis and Sandra Taylor were on their way home to Sydney after being to the Chev. Festival.

In Mount Gambier stopped and waited for the R.A.C.V., when they learned what Gordon and Cilla where doing, they decided to join us for the weekend. I contacted everybody and we went for tea at the local pub.

Saturday, Got everybody together for a cruze to Chiltren to visit Gordon Stephenson’s motor museum. We where joined by Tony and Elana Isoner, after looking around his great collection which was very impressive, some went back to Albury, while others looked at the old shops and had lunch in Chiltren.

When we got back to the caravan park, Julls, Lois and Alice had arrived. That night we had a BBQ around the pool.

Sunday, We all cruzed to the Ettamdeah pub, took photos like the old times.

Wayne Baker and I did a re-enactment of a photo we did back in the 1989 half way run.

The Canberra people then headed home as they do not have a long weekend, the rest of us all went to the S. Sta in Albury for tea.

Monday, We cruzed to Tallangatta, where they had a “Rock n Roll” weekend. It was a shame that the weather was not better, (it rained). The girls enjoyed the band “Oll 55”, who were on stage, when we got back to the park we ordered pizza and had a great lots of laughs.

Tuesday, Everybody started to pack up for the journey home. Gordon found that the fuel pump in the Chevy had died so out came the R.A.C.V.and took them and their car home to Geelong. Everybody else got home O.K.. The whole weekend was a success, everybody said that they would like to do it again.

To everybody who was there, thank you for making it so great.


•People at ½ way run

•Dennis, Sandra Taylor, NSW, 55 Chev.

•Greg, Sue Redman, ACT, 56 Chev. Wagon

•Mark, Bron Aitken, ACT, 57 Chev coupe

•Shiane, Bamatyre, ACT, 55 Chev.

•Wayne, Deborah Baker, Vic, 57 Chev.

•Gordon, Cilla Issell, Vic, 57 Chev.

•Ronald, Shannon Stevens, ACT,

•Andrea, Michael Sanbanis, Vic, 63 Chev.

•Mary, Ross Anderson, Vic, 57 Chev. Conver.

•Mark Scicluna and friends, Vic, 62 Chev.

•Wendy, Dwayne Beckers, Vic, 61 Chev.

•Rob, Angie Plavkouits, Vic, Ford Ranchero

•Beck, Robert Wakartschuk, Vic, Kingswood wagon

•Barbara, Karl Wakartschuk, Vic, 57 Chev. Wagon

•Julie, Mick Loomes, Vic, 56 Chev.

•Lois Peterson, Vic.

•Alice Anastasio, Vic.

•Julls Rulach, Vic.

Thank you Andrea Sambanis for taking the photographs.


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