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Rich River Rod Run 2018

It's hard to believe it's been two years already since we were all up at Echuca for the last run, still one of our favourite destinations for car runs.

Due to work commitments for many members this year, we were unable to co-ordinate a meeting time to cruise up to Echuca together this year, which was a pity.

We were one of the last in our group to arrive, so it was a quick unpack and hello to fellow members, then off the the RSL for registration and a bite to eat. While there we bumped into members Rhonda and Robert which was a great opportunity to catch up.

Saturday morning had most members and entrants gathered for a planned observation run of about 90k around the local towns. I had a few issues to sort on the Nomad, having discovered it was scrubbing the two front tyres so we opted to skip the cruise.

Saturday afternoon was spent catching up with friends and club members over a few drinks on the banks of the Murray. Watching the many boats and paddle steamers pass by while having a few drinks and laughs made for a perfect afternoon.

SAT night dinner was the usual feast although the queue was damn long making us appreciate the meal just that little bit more. A quick spot of dancing and we were done for the day, eager to hit the cot.

The Sunday show n shine had it's usual high standard of cars but in smaller numbers this year. Julie & Mick Were up from Bendigo for the day in her latest sweet ride, a 32(?) Roadster. It's always good to catch up with those guys for a bit of a chat.

Before you knew it was all over for another year.

Congratulations to Ross Anderson for taking out the award for best GM on the day. Once presentations were done, it was a quick goodbyes, pack up and then hit the road for the long cruise home.

David Desira


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