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Trafalgar Holden Museum Run (2016)

A lovely morning saw 10 cars meet at Narre Warren Maccas for a cruise to the Holden Museum at Trafalgar. By the time we reached the museum this had grown to 14. We were welcomed by the team at the museum, given a nice group discount and shown into the display.

The museum has Holdens ranging from the FX right through to the VE. Many are owned by the museum owner/caretaker, but there are some that are on loan. Center stage was taken by Holden’s EFIGY which is there for its second visit. In a second area are display relating to General Motor input to the Australian market prior to the release of the FX. This includes cars and also household white goods.

Another set of rooms show a variety of interactive displays including older motors and a later model gearbox and independent rear end. While we were all inside, there was a steady procession of locals driving past to check out the Chevs.

All too soon it was time to move the group to the local hotel for a late lunch, but before leaving Lois managed to get nearly everyone together for a group photo. We managed to get a spot out the back enabling us to park close together.

An enjoyable lunch was had by all, capping off a great day. We were first to leave as I

wanted to get home to watch the F1 GP. We managed to get home just as the warm up was completed.

As we were leaving the pub there were a number of cars and people on foot taking photos and video of the great looking group of cars in the car park. Thanks to Lois for organising another great day and Kaye for taking a heap of photos.

Nick Duyvestyn



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