The Tyabb Air show was held on Sunday 8th March and as we have a good view from our yard, we invited club members to come and watch from home.
The flying started at 11:00 am and went through to 4:15 pm. Not a lot of people attended but those who did were presented with a great display of both modern and old civilian planes and great range of vintage war birds.
The RAAF was represented by the Roulettes, a new medium cargo plane in the C27 Spartan, and the show was closed by a flyby of the enormous C17 Globe master.
A Police helicopter and an Ambulance Helicopter were also present as static displays.
There were a lot of aerobatic displays including the Southern Knights in 4 Harvards, The Paul Bennet Air show with a couple of Pitts Specials, a Rebel 300 and a Beechcraft.
The weather was kind to us although a cold wind rose later in the afternoon.
Nick and Kaye Duyvestyn.