Important news
Change of meeting venue
From September our General Meetings will be held at
Dandenong Agricultural Society Club Rooms
Dandenong Showgrounds, Bennet St, Dandenong.
( Enter through main gate, follow bitumen to the end & turn right, Meeting is in the last building on the right, backing on to the oval.)
Meetings commence at 8.00pm

The 55-56-57 Chevrolet Club of Victoria is a car club which brings together family, friends and of course, Chevs!
We run several club events throughout the year including Mystery Runs, Awards nights, bowling nights, Christmas Party, Trivia nights and more.
We welcome members from all across Victoria who are interested a various Chevrolet Models including the Tri Fives, Impalas, Camaros, Corvettes etc.

Membership Benefits
Upcoming Events
Receive monthly newsletters which contain information on current conventions and member reviews
Obtain access to our event calendar, containing information about upcoming events for the next three months
Attend our club events throughout the year which celebrate our love for chevs and brings together our members and their families