Kaye and I attended this show along with a group of Bay Rodders. A nice day for a drive saw us arrive at about 9:30 and a fair amount of cars already parked. A steady stream of cars saw the area quite full by around 11:00 am with a good number of Tri-Fives in attendance.
Due to the heat and the dust, cars started leaving around lunchtime even though the presentation was scheduled for 1:30 pm. We got a nice surprise when Kaye’s 57 was awarded a Top Ten trophy.
After the event we were invited to visit the Deluxe Rod Shop which is based at Yea. For a young business and manager, they have a fantastic establishment and are currently working on about 12 cars, including the 55 of Tim Fletcher’s which was displayed at Motorex last year. A warm drive home saw us enjoying the Vintage Air conditioner.